Home ยป Ukrainian Armed Forces Day: 10 Important Facts You Should Know About the Ukrainian Army

Ukrainian Armed Forces Day: 10 Important Facts You Should Know About the Ukrainian Army

by alex

Today, December 6, Ukraine celebrates a holiday – the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In honor of this, ICTV Facts have collected 10 important and interesting points that are worth knowing about the Ukrainian army.

  • Why is the Ukrainian Armed Forces Day celebrated on December 6 and how does it differ from October 14?

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 1991, on December 6, adopted the Law on the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as – On the Defense of Ukraine. In addition, on that day, the text of the Military Oath was read in the parliamentary hall.

Note that December 6 is a professional holiday, which unites all the military who are in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because the Ukrainian army has five units:

  • Ground Forces
  • Air Force
  • Naval Force
  • Air Assault Troops
  • Special Operations Forces

Each of these units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has its own professional holiday, and December 6 unites all the military of Ukraine.

At the same time, October 14 is the Day of Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine, it is perceived more as a holiday of patriots. This is the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks and the Day of the UPA, as well as the holiday of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Its main idea is to honor all defenders of Ukraine – not only professional military personnel, but also volunteers and volunteers.

  • Trust in the Ukrainian army

According to the results of a study on Trust in Public Institutions and Politicians, conducted this summer by the Razumkov Center, Ukrainians trust the Armed Forces of Ukraine most of all, as well as volunteers. In particular, 68% of Ukrainians trust the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and 64% trust volunteer organizations.

  • Women in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

According to the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, compared to 2013, the number of women in the Ukrainian army has almost doubled. So, in 2013, 16,557 women served, while at the end of 2020 their number increased to 31,757 people.

There were only 1,633 female officers in 2013, and in 2020 their number reached 4,810.

And in July 2021, at that time, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Andriy Taran signed an order on the appointment of the first female commander in the history of the country. Thus, Tatiana Ostaschenko became the commander of the Medical Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

  • Heroes of Ukraine

As of On December 1, 2021, a total of 492 people received the title of Hero of Ukraine. Of these, 454 are men and 38 are women.

  • The size of the Ukrainian army

In the summer of 2021, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law to increase the Armed Forces of Ukraine by 11,000 troops. Thus, the total number of the Armed Forces should reach 261,000 people, including 215,000 military personnel. At the same time, according to the JFO headquarters, at the time of the start of the war with Russia, the Ukrainian army consisted of only 165,000 servicemen – military and civilian.

According to the Ministry of Defense, by this spring, there were about 234 thousand people.

  • Cooperation with NATO

Ukraine continues to gradually move and reform to move closer to NATO standards. This includes the creation of brigades to Alliance standards, as well as the gradual creation of NCO corps as junior officers gain important combat responsibilities.

In addition, since the beginning of 2021, all military ranks have been transferred to NATO standards.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces report that they plan to reach a new level of education and training of military aviators by the end of 2022 – this is necessary so that Ukrainian specialists can function in a single system with the Alliance aviators.

And on December 2 of this year, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft of the updated Memorandum between Ukraine and the UN on cooperation in consultation, command, intelligence, communications, reconnaissance and surveillance (Partnership for Peace program).

Ukrainian troops are conducting joint maneuvers with the Alliance. So, for example, in the fall of 2021, Ukraine hosted the Joint Efforts – 2021 exercise, which involved military units from 15 countries, 11 of which were NATO members and four more – partner countries.

  • Ukraine's military power

As reported in the annual Global Firepower (GFP) ranking, in 2021 the Ukrainian army was in 25th place in the level of military power in the world from 140 countries.

Thus, compared to 2020, our troops have risen by two positions – from 27th place.

The study indicates that out of almost 44 million citizens, theoretically, 15.5 million Ukrainians can be fit for military service. At the same time, more than 470 thousand people annually reach draft age.

  • Nuclear weapons

It was the Ukrainian army that became the first in world history who voluntarily renounced nuclear weapons. Ukraine spent five years disarmament: from 1991 to 1996. The Verkhovna Rada also approved nuclear-freeness in the Declaration on State Sovereignty, adopted in 1990.

  • Rearmament of Ukrainian troops

The rise of the Ukrainian army and its gradual rearmament began in 2014 and continues to this day. The main reason was the war with Russia: Ukraine had to switch to an enhanced protection regime to fight for its territorial integrity.

Some of the most important types of weapons developed by Ukraine are the self-propelled artillery mounts Gvozdika and Akatsiya, as well as the Alder missile system, the Neptune cruise missile, and the Korsar-M4 body armor.

Ukraine actively cooperates with Western partners and neighbors. So, for example, the United States supplied the Armed Forces of Ukraine with Javelin anti-tank missile systems, and Turkey handed over Bayraktar drones to our military.

  • Peacekeeping missions

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been participating in peacekeeping missions under the auspices of NATO, the UN and other international organizations since 1992. This summer, 332 Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel were reported on assignments in eight international peace and security operations. These are six countries and the Abyei region.

The number of national contingents within the framework of the UN Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo, as well as the NATO multinational force KFOR in Kosovo – 286 troops.

Another 46 Ukrainian military personnel participate in the UN Stabilization Missions in Mali, DR Congo, Abyei region, South Sudan, as well as in Cyprus and in the security zone of the Transnistrian region (Moldova) as national personnel.

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