Home » Ukraine called a pawn in the game of the West

Ukraine called a pawn in the game of the West

by alex

Russian Ambassador to the UN Nebenzia called Ukraine a pawn in the geopolitical game of the West

Vasily Nebenzya. Photo: Carlo Allegri / Reuters

Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) Vasily Nebenzya at a meeting of the UN Security Council (SC) said that Western countries have turned Ukraine into a pawn, TASS reports.

Nebenzya called Ukraine a pawn in the geopolitical game of the West. In his speech, he noted that Western countries do not take into account the interests of the Ukrainian people.

“You have made Ukraine a pawn in your geopolitical game, without caring at all about the interests of the Ukrainian people,” Russia’s permanent representative to the UN stressed.

Earlier, Nebenzya condemned the draft resolution of the UN Security Council on the Russian special operation in the Donbass. He called it anti-Russian and anti-Ukrainian. Russia's permanent representative to the UN thanked China, India and the UAE, which did not support the draft resolution.

Russia has vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution on a special operation in Donbass. 11 member countries of the UN Security Council voted in favor of the resolution, three abstained. According to the document, Russia is obliged to immediately withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine within its borders recognized by the international community.

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