Ukraine and NATO have approved new defense procurement standards, – Ministry of Defense Yaroslav Pogonchuk Ukraine adapts defense procurement to NATO standards/GettyImages During the NATO summit in Washington, the Strategic Defense Procurement Review was approved for Ukraine. The new approach includes 21 recommendations. The new rules are aimed at improving the efficiency of the provision of armed forces in accordance with Euro-Atlantic standards. Let us recall that at the NATO summit the agreement “Ukrainian Security Compact” was also signed. From now on, Ukraine's defense procurement will be carried out in accordance with the best Euro-Atlantic practitioners. The Strategic Review of Defense Procurement contains 21 recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency of the provision of armed forces as during martial law as well as in peacetime. Key recommendations include: The main value of the Strategic Procurement Review is that it has clear implementation deadlines, which means it will allow both Ukrainian society and international partners to monitor the success of the Euro-Atlantic development of Ukraine,” said Gleb Kanevsky, director of the Department of Procurement Policy of the Ministry of Defense. The review also emphasizes the leading role of parliament in matters of civil democratic control and the lessons-learned mechanism. > Note that the recommendations have a bilateral nature of cooperation, since partners from NATO countries will study the unique Ukrainian experience in organizing procurement and logistics in war conditions. By the way, Vladimir Zelensky believes that Ukraine will become a member of NATO as soon as the war ends. He also noted that as a result of the NATO summit, “Ukraine received the maximum it could.”What new defense procurement standards have been approved
Ukraine and NATO approved new defense procurement standards, – Ministry of Defense