Home ยป Two patients die in South Korea after coronavirus vaccination

Two patients die in South Korea after coronavirus vaccination

by alex

Two patients in South Korea died shortly after receiving the coronavirus vaccine. Both were vaccinated with AstraZeneca, the state news agency Ryonhap reported.

According to the authorities, both patients suffered from a number of dangerous diseases that exacerbated their condition. One of them was between 50 and 60 years old. After being vaccinated, he developed symptoms of cardiac arrest and difficulty breathing, but felt better after receiving help. However, the next morning, the symptoms returned and he passed away.

The second was 63 years old, he had disorders in the blood circulation of the brain. After receiving the vaccination, he began to experience severe pain throughout his body, he had a fever. He died four days after the injection. It is reported that doctors have yet to establish whether the vaccine was one of the reasons for his death.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is considered unsafe for older patients. In South Korea, as in many European countries, it is not used to vaccinate patients over 65 years of age.

At the end of February, it was reported that 16 people had died in Switzerland after being vaccinated against the coronavirus. The deaths averaged 86 years old, and most of them had previous serious illnesses.

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