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Trump's team explained his defeat

by alex

Donald Trump

Sociologist Tony Fabrizio, who works for the team of former US President Donald Trump, released a study explaining his defeat in the 2020 presidential election. Politico published its results.

Fabrizio concluded that the coronavirus was a key factor: the Republican's anti-pandemic policy seemed unsuccessful to American voters. In addition, the fact that the head of the United States initially opposed the wearing of masks and himself rarely wore them.

Critical was Trump's support from a wide variety of populations, white Americans and suburbanites, who won him victory in 2016 and voted more Democrats than they did last time. At the same time, Trump won a few percent among the Hispanic population and even strengthened his position among blacks by 1 percent – but this was not enough to compensate for the loss of the main electorate.

The polls on which the research results are based were held in 10 American states: five of them went over to the Democrats in 2020, although they supported Trump in 2016, and five remained with the Republican. It is not known whether the former president himself read the study: he accused his opponents of fraud and manipulation of the elections and denied that he had lost the race.

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