Home » Trump's role predicted after Biden's inauguration

Trump's role predicted after Biden's inauguration

by alex

Donald Trump will continue to play an important role in US politics after the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. Tiberio Graziani, an Italian political scientist and chairman of the Vision & Global Trends analytical center, shared this forecast with Lenta.ru.

Graziani noted that Trump gave a voice to “another America” – representatives of the middle class and the general population, who were hit hard by the financial and economic crisis of 2007-2008. According to the expert, the participation of these groups in the political life of the country has greatly increased in recent years. “With all this in mind, I think Trump will continue to be the leader, directly or indirectly, of this part of America. And for this reason, he will continue to engage in politics and decisively oppose the Biden administration, ”he said.

Graziani also doubted Trump would be quickly forgotten. He explained that the politician is good at building communication and intercepting the agenda. “If he disappears from the American agenda, it will be his choice,” the expert noted.

On December 15, it became known that the US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party Joe Biden received the electoral votes necessary to win the presidential race. Trump has repeatedly refused to admit defeat in the US presidential election. He believes Biden lost the election “by a wide margin in all six wavering states,” and the results were rigged.

The inauguration of the new US president will take place on January 20.

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