Home » Trump's lawyer accused Soros of fomenting unrest in the United States

Trump's lawyer accused Soros of fomenting unrest in the United States

by alex

Rudolph Giuliani

Billionaire George Soros finances Marcian organizations and supports democratic forces in various regions of the United States, thus contributing to inciting unrest. This was stated by Trump's lawyer and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani in an interview with RT.

Giuliani raised this issue when discussing the pogroms perpetrated by the Black Lives Matter (BLM, Black Lives) – which, he said, does not help the fight for the rights of African Americans, but rather harms their businesses across the country. He pointed to a case where the police did not intervene in the massive robbery in Philadelphia, and also accused Soros of being involved in this particular incident.

“The thing is that in Philadelphia there is a district attorney, who was appointed by George Soros, of all cases he deals with only half, and he treats criminals better than people who are innocent. And there is a mayor who does not allow the police to detain the rioters, ”Giuliani said.

He stressed that Soros allocated money to both BLM and candidates for district attorneys in 27 regions – and this led to the positions of “complete idiots who do not prosecute and release criminals.” According to Giuliani, the billionaire is responsible for the rise in crime and the promotion of anarchy in Philadelphia.

At the end of last year, Giuliani named the US ambassadors to Ukraine as Soros's henchmen. Not long before that, the Ukrainian newspaper Vesti named George Soros the second most influential person in Ukraine in the past year. The authors of the rating emphasized that the billionaire has a great influence on Ukrainian politics with the help of dozens of organizations that he sponsors.

The General Prosecutor's Office recognized the Open Society and Assistance Foundations, which are part of the Soros Foundation, as undesirable organizations in Russia in November 2015.

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