Home » Trump will not be able to avoid the topic of Ukraine: what signals is his team sending?

Trump will not be able to avoid the topic of Ukraine: what signals is his team sending?

by alex

Trump will not be able to avoid the topic of Ukraine: what signals is his team sending Alina Burtseva

American Senator Lindsey Graham said that Ukraine can become “the best business partner.” They say it has reserves of critical minerals worth 10 – 12 trillion dollars. In his opinion, this “should be used for Ukraine and the West, and not given to Putin and China.”

This is 24 Oleg Rybachuk, chairman of the analytical and advocacy organization Center for Joint Actions, commented on Channel , noting that this senator has an interesting reputation. He added that Republicans have previously said they consider him “a special person who is leaving politics.”

What is the significance of Lindsey Graham

“This senator will no longer be in politics, and he has no influence on anything.” But six months ago, Graham began to act as almost a confidant of presidential candidate Trump. I see him like this,” said Rybachuk.

Now they are already saying that Graham still wants to stay in politics. He may be one of the close circle of former US President's confidantes. Therefore, the chairman of the analytical and advocacy organization believes, it was possible to hear the voice of presidential candidate Donald Trump.

His rhetoric has also fundamentally changed over the past six months. Now he no longer has an anti-Ukrainian position – conversations about “how to end the war in Ukraine in one day” have already ended. Trump is trying to be a more logical and rational supporter of Ukraine's victory.

Although to me, as a Ukrainian, this argument about resources is a very strange thing. It is important for us that Trump and his team go to the elections with a very clear program – not just general support for Ukraine,” Oleg Rybachuk emphasized.

Biden and Trump debate

It is impossible to ignore the topic of Ukraine. Trump and his confidants like Lindsey Graham are voicing formulas for effective assistance to the Ukrainian state. Meanwhile, the PRC is watching what is happening.

China obviously remains for American foreign policy < strong>one of the main danger factors. At the same time, American voters are more focused on domestic politics.

For some time, Republican rhetoric and Donald Trump said that there are many problems, in particular with the border with Mexico. Like, “where is Ukraine and why should it be given money?” However, the statements have changed.

I hope that the Trump team is well aware that such “idle talkers” are not allowed to participate in the presidential debates. You need to have a very clear winning strategy. In the congressional resolution, it explicitly demands that the Biden administration show a strategy for victory, Rybachuk added. Ukraine”. But the Ukrainian state needs to be provided with weapons to protect itself and repel the Russians. At the same time, Johnson does not support the position of Joe Biden, who seeks to leave certain restrictions on the use of American weapons.

“We cannot but welcome such changes in approaches. It is very important so that the discussion would be precisely about how to effectively help Ukraine to achieve victory over Putin’s Russia,” noted the chairman of the analytical and advocacy organization “Center for Joint Actions.”

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