Home » Trump: US has “the best hypersonic missiles in the world”

Trump: US has “the best hypersonic missiles in the world”

by alex

Speaking on Monday to supporters at a regular election rally in Arizona, US President Donald Trump reiterated that Americans have the world's best weapons, military equipment and hypersonic missiles, and all other countries envy them.

“We have invested 2.5 trillion dollars in the development of the armed forces, we have the best equipment compared to any other country in the world. We have updated our nuclear arsenal to a level that no one has ever reached even close, ”the head of the White House boasted to the audience.

“We have new missiles, shells, ships, tanks. We have incredible F-35 fighters, new tankers. Russia, China envy us, no one has such equipment, let alone hypersonic missiles, ”continued Trump.

Stressing that the United States has “the best hypersonic missiles in the world,” he added that Moscow and Beijing “stole” American technology “because of the Obama administration,” TASS reports.

Recall, as the website kp.ru wrote, on the eve of the presidential elections, the head of the White House constantly says that Russia and China “envy” the States, which, according to him, have “the most powerful weapon in the world”, that the United States is “at the development stage there are so many interesting things, “including a hypersonic missile that will fly” 17 times faster than any other fast missile. “

And exactly a month ago, Trump announced that Russia had created its hypersonic weapons only thanks to the fact that it received secret information from the administration of his predecessor Barack Obama about the development of such missiles in the United States.

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