Home » Trump urged Republicans to fight for his presidency

Trump urged Republicans to fight for his presidency

by alex

Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump has called on the Republican Party to fight for his victory in the presidential election. He published the corresponding post on his Twitter page.

“It's time for GOP senators to step up and fight for the presidency, as Democrats would do if they actually won. The evidence is irrefutable! ” – the current American leader emphasized once again, having also written about the “large-scale stuffing” of ballots for voting by mail.

In addition, Trump has accused the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the US Department of Justice of inaction regarding the “largest fraud in the history of the country” in the past presidential elections.

On December 15, it became known that the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden received the electoral college votes necessary to win the presidential race. Trump has repeatedly refused to admit defeat in the US presidential election. He believes Biden lost the election “by a wide margin in all six wavering states,” and the results were rigged.

The inauguration of the new US president will take place on January 20.

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