Home » Trump to pardon former adviser in collusion case with Russia

Trump to pardon former adviser in collusion case with Russia

by alex

Michael Flynn

US President Donald Trump plans to pardon several people, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who was prosecuted as part of the so-called “Russian investigation.” This is reported by Axios, citing sources.

It is noted that Flynn's pardon will be the culmination of a four-year political saga that began with an FBI investigation into possible illegal ties between the Trump team and Moscow during the 2016 elections.

In May 2020, the US Department of Justice decided to close the criminal case against Flynn about his possible secret ties with Russia. But then, in September, the US Court of Appeals overturned the decision. Trump noted that officials from the administration of previous President Barack Obama who persecuted Flynn were “very dishonest people”, adding that he considered the case to be high treason.

Earlier it was reported that the source for accusations against US President Donald Trump about collusion with Russia was a Russian official. We are talking about a native of Perm, Olga Galkina, who in the past held the post of vice-mayor of Saratov. Galkina, being at that moment in a strained relationship with the employer at Webzilla, allegedly stated that it was she who was behind the hacking of the servers of the Democratic National Committee. These allegations formed the basis of an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. At the same time, Galkina herself called the information that appeared untrue.

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