Home » Trump suggested to postpone presidential elections

Trump suggested to postpone presidential elections

by alex

Donald Trump

The President of the United States Donald trump proposed to postpone scheduled for November presidential election. This thought and its justification, he stated in Twitter.

The us President believes that it is worth doing because of the coronavirus pandemic, which will have to resort to voting by mail. “Voting in 2020 will be the most INACCURATE and FRAUDULENT in history. It will be a disgrace for US”, — he wrote.

According to trump, the voters should be given the opportunity to vote “correctly, reliably and safely”, and for this you should consider postponing the vote.

Earlier it was reported that the President’s approval rating and the Republican party, which he represents, threatens to be a record low in the upcoming elections.

The United States is leading among all countries in the world by the number of infected by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, and the victims of this. According to the Institute of Johns Hopkins, the country recorded more than 4.4 million cases of infection and more 150,7 thousands of deaths.

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