Home » Trump said he would “allow Russia to take part of Ukraine” – this was removed from the air

Trump said he would “allow Russia to take part of Ukraine” – this was removed from the air

by alex

Trump admitted that he could allow the Russian Federation to occupy part of Ukraine in order to avoid war

The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, said that in place of the head of the United States, Joe Biden, he would agree with Russia to prevent a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, even at the cost of occupying additional Ukrainian territories.

This was stated in an interview for Trump's Fox News during a conversation about Ukraine.

Earlier, the former president said that he could end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours by arranging personal negotiations between Zelensky and Putin.

“And they, Russia, did not seize anything for Trump. Because Putin understood that he would never do this. And this is even without an agreement. I could do it. In the worst case, I could agree that they (Russia) took over something. You know that (in Ukraine) there are certain areas that are Russian-speaking, frankly, but an agreement could be reached, “Trump said.

The editors of The Daily Beast later noted that excerpts with his proposals to allow the Russian Federation to seize part of the territory of Ukraine were removed from Trump's conversation with Fox News television journalist Sean Hennit.

“In the worst case, I could agree that something should go to Russia, there are certain areas that, frankly, are considered Russian-speaking, but we could agree,” Trump said.

And instead of this excerpt, the audio recording continues with a conversation about China. Trump said that at present, the PRC “no longer respects the United States.”

We add that Donald Trump is the main contender for participation in the US presidential election from the Republican Party. He has previously stated that he could solve the war in Ukraine in 24 hours by arranging personal negotiations between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Kremlin head Vladimir Putin.

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