Home » Trump outraged over ignoring his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize

Trump outraged over ignoring his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize

by alex

Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump rebuked American television channels for ignoring his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. He stated this during a speech to supporters in Nevada, RIA Novosti reports.

Thus, the American leader recalled that his predecessor Barack Obama received the Nobel Prize almost immediately after he came to the White House. “He didn't really know why. And he was right – no one understood why. And we have done so many things, a lot of things, ”Trump protested.

He added that he considers his nomination very important and does not understand why the TV channels bypassed this news. “Imagine, the president of your country is nominated for the Nobel Prize, and the evening news on ABC, although they are terrible, CBS, which are also terrible, and worst of all NBC – not a single mention, do not talk about it”, – said the American leader.

On September 9, MP from the Norwegian Progress Party Christian Tibring-Gedde nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. Thus, during his political career, the head of state allegedly did more to establish peace than other nominees for the award: in particular, his administration played “a key role in establishing relations between Israel and the UAE,” the Norwegian politician is convinced.

Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, nine months after joining the White House. The award was presented for “exceptional efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and human cooperation.”

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