Home » Trump named the most difficult moment of his presidency

Trump named the most difficult moment of his presidency

by alex

US President Donald Trump named the most difficult moment during his first term as head of state. He told about this on the air of the ABC channel, RIA Novosti reports.

“No doubt it was this whole thing with COVID-19 or as I call it the Chinese virus because things were going so well,” Trump said. When asked what he learned during the epidemic, Trump replied that he learned how fragile life is. He mentioned that six of his friends have passed away from the coronavirus.

The president also noted that he began to look differently at the trade deal with China due to the coronavirus, for the spread of which he blames Beijing. However, he called the agreement good.

On September 1, Trump shared his success in the fight against coronavirus. So, according to him, the incidence of COVID-19 in August decreased by 38 percent compared to July. In addition, the American leader spoke about the beginning of the third phase of trials of the vaccine against the infection of the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca.

The United States remains in first place for the number of reported cases of coronavirus infection. For the entire time of the pandemic, more than 6.6 million cases were detected in the country. More than 195 thousand patients have died, 2.49 million have recovered. In total, as of September 16, more than 29.4 million people have been infected worldwide.

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