Home » Trump headquarters to continue litigation after Biden's victory is certified

Trump headquarters to continue litigation after Biden's victory is certified

by alex

The campaign headquarters of the current US President Donald Trump intends to continue lawsuits, despite the certification of votes in certain states. This is stated in a statement published on the Twitter account of the legal advisor of Jenna Ellis's headquarters.

As Ellis pointed out, certification by state officials is just a procedural step. “Americans need to be confident that the final results are fair and legitimate,” she said.

Earlier, the Michigan authorities officially confirmed the results of the elections in the state, where Democrat Joe Biden won, who received 16 electors from the state.

On November 5, a Michigan court denied the headquarters of incumbent US President Donald Trump a request to suspend the counting of votes cast in the presidential election. Trump's headquarters filed a lawsuit to suspend counting in the state, explaining this by the lack of access to tracking the count.

On November 3, 2020, the next presidential elections were held in the United States. The counting of votes and the proceedings on this issue are still ongoing. According to the media, the candidate from the Democratic Party of the United States, Joe Biden, received the necessary number of electoral votes to win, thus beating the incumbent President Donald Trump. The democrat has already proclaimed himself the elected president of the United States. Trump, in turn, said that Biden was in a hurry to call himself the country's new leader.

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