Home » Trump has signed the decree about the struggle against the “threat” TikTok

Trump has signed the decree about the struggle against the “threat” TikTok

by alex

Donald Trump

The US President Donald trump has signed a decree On “combating the threat TikTok”. On it informs “bi-Bi-si”.

It is noted that, also signed a similar decree relating to the mobile application WeChat. The document States that the dissemination in the United States applications which were developed in China and owned by Chinese companies, “threatens national security, foreign policy and the U.S. economy.”

In addition, it is argued that TikTok collects a large quantity of user data, including location and search history. The white house fears that in the future the Chinese authorities will have access to personal information of citizens of the United States.

The American leader has accused the mobile app in the censorship of content that is contrary to the attitudes of the Communist party of China. He said that the American side needs to take aggressive action against the owners of TikTok for the protection of national security.

American authorities believe the popular Chinese social network a threat to national security. In their opinion, the current owners TikTok can collect data about American users and pass them to the Chinese authorities. In Washington threatened to block the social network in the country, but then was given to understand that they are satisfied with the purchase of American shares of the local company.

Interest in buying TikTok showed Microsoft, but the White house is putting pressure on negotiators. Trump on August 3, demanded to close the deal by September 15, 2020 under the threat of blocking, no matter who becomes the buyer. According to the American President, it would be fair if the seller or the buyer transferred a percentage of the transaction to the U.S. Treasury, without which the sale of the company would be impossible.

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