Home ยป Trump has promised to invite Putin to G7 summit

Trump has promised to invite Putin to G7 summit

by alex

The President of the United States Donald trump promised to invite Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the summit “the Big seven” (G7). About it reports “Interfax”.

“I think that it is a very important factor,” he said, adding that he had invited the leaders of countries that are not included in the G7, and some have already accepted invitations.

The US leader also said that he tends to the summit after the presidential election in November. According to trump, in this case, “the situation will be more calm.” “We could do it in the form of a videoconference or directly meeting with you,” he said.

Trump at the end of may announced the decision to postpone the G7 summit in the fall and to invite several third-party States. In addition to Russia, it was about Australia, South Korea and India. The American President explained that, in his opinion, the G7 is a “legacy group” of countries. Against this decision was made by the EU and Canada. Press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that Russia is not eager to return to negotiations, “the Big seven” and noted that Putin has not taken the initiative on the accession of the country to work in this format.

Russia was in the G8 before the annexation of Crimea in March 2014. However, after the referendum on the Peninsula, the participating countries decided to abandon the format of “eight”.

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