Home » Trump has called the biggest problem in the world

Trump has called the biggest problem in the world

by alex

Donald Trump

The US President Donald trump called the situation surrounding the negotiations with Russia on nuclear disarmament the largest international problem. About it reports TASS.

According to the American leader, Russia I very much want to conclude with the United States agreement on nuclear weapons, and that is why now the two countries are working on it. He said that this is the biggest problem in the world today. Trump also added that he was glad that Russia will not delay in this matter.

Earlier, trump praised the progress of negotiations between Russia and the USA on nuclear disarmament. According to him, negotiations on this subject going very well and both sides are working hard on the weapons contract.

June 22, Russia and the United States meet in Vienna to discuss the extension of the Treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive arms. During consultations were discussed including maintaining stability and predictability in terms of termination of the Agreement on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range after the US.

In the result, the parties agreed to establish three working groups which will discuss further cooperation between the two countries.

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