Home » Trump found a way to beat Biden in the election

Trump found a way to beat Biden in the election

by alex

Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump said he found a way to defeat Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the presidential election. He wrote about this on his Twitter account.

Trump noted that he has enough information about irregularities during the vote to change his results in at least four states. The President stressed that in this way he will receive the required number of electoral votes. He also wondered why Biden was so rushed to form his cabinet when the president's investigators discovered so many fraudulent votes.

In addition, the American leader called on the courts and legislatures to find the courage to do what is required to ensure the integrity of the elections and the United States itself.

Earlier, a court in the US state of Pennsylvania dismissed a lawsuit by Donald Trump's headquarters, which demanded to invalidate the ballots submitted by mail. The court's decision states that “the plaintiff demands to deprive almost seven million voters of the right to vote, while presenting baseless legal arguments and unsupported charges.”

On November 3, 2020, the next presidential elections were held in the United States. The counting of votes and the proceedings on this issue are still ongoing. According to the media, the candidate from the United States Democratic Party, Joe Biden, received the necessary number of electoral votes to win, thus beating Trump. He has already declared himself President-elect of the United States. Trump, in turn, said that Biden was quick to call himself the country's new leader.

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