Home » Trump complained about inability to behave like president

Trump complained about inability to behave like president

by alex

Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump lamented that he often does not behave as the head of state is supposed to, because he does not have such an opportunity. He spoke about this on the air of the ABC News TV channel.

“I am on a battlefield where many forces are concentrated against me. Sometimes I just don't have time to behave, as you put it, “like a president,” “he complained. Trump said he often just needs to get things done, which forces the administration to move quickly.

He stressed that those who do not keep up with such a pace have to “get rid”. The American leader added that he has already done more than any other US president.

On September 11, it became known that Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the second time in recent years. One of the authors of this initiative believes that the American president deserves it for the reconciliation of Israel and the United Arab Emirates, another – that he should be rewarded for the normalization of relations between Serbia and the partially recognized republic of Kosovo.

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