Home » Trump called a wall on the border with Mexico protection against coronavirus

Trump called a wall on the border with Mexico protection against coronavirus

by alex

Donald Trump

The US President Donald trump said that partially built wall on the border with Mexico to help prevent new cases of infection with coronavirus in the country. He reported about it on air of TV channel Fox News, reports TASS.

The American leader said that the length of this barrier is 275 miles (440 kilometres). In the next few months the wall may be approximately two times longer.

According to the White house, the presence of the wall on the border with the neighboring country has allowed to reduce the number of illegal immigrants arriving in the United States from Mexico, including people infected with coronavirus. “As you know, in Mexico a very serious situation with the pandemic. From behind the wall we do not is a strong negative influence from Mexico. This is great,” concluded the President.

According to August 5, there are more than 18.3 million infected with the coronavirus, including more than 695 thousands died, another 10.9 million recovered. Most infected are in the US, where ill COVID-19 over 4.7 million inhabitants. Mexico is in sixth place for the number infected with an indicator of 443 thousand.

Trump promised to build a wall on the border between the U.S. and Mexico during his election campaign in 2016. He introduced a state of emergency in the country to reallocate funds from other projects. In the summer of 2019, the Supreme court approved the allocation of $ 2.5 billion from the funds the Pentagon for the construction of the wall.

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