Home » Trump announced an easy election victory

Trump announced an easy election victory

by alex

US President Donald Trump reiterated that he won the presidential election. RIA Novosti reports.

“We won this election easily, won by a wide margin. We won Pennsylvania and all the fluctuating states by a wide margin,” the incumbent American leader said during a hearing in Pennsylvania.

According to him, the Democratic Party used machinations in the current presidential elections in the United States, including ballot stuffing, voting on behalf of deceased people and removing observers from polling stations.

Earlier, Trump personally ordered the start of the transfer of power. He instructed the GSA and his team to “do what needs to be done” on the initial protocols for handing over power to Biden. According to the American leader, he made such a decision “in the best interests of the country.”

On November 3, 2020, the next presidential elections were held in the United States. The counting of votes and the proceedings on this issue are still ongoing. According to the media, Biden received the necessary number of electoral votes to win, thus beating Trump. The democrat has already proclaimed himself the elected president of the United States.

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