Home » Traveling abroad at 17 years old without parents: what is known – lawyer explains

Traveling abroad at 17 years old without parents: what is known – lawyer explains

by alex

As you know, martial law is in force in Ukraine. It, in turn, provides for restrictions on the travel of men liable for military service of military age. Before the full-scale invasion, medically fit men from 18 to 27 years old were called up for military service. And from the age of 17, boys become registered. Is it possible for girls and boys to travel abroad at the age of 17 in 2023 – read the material.

Going abroad at 17 without parents: what is known

Lawyer Andrei Smirnov claims that after the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, travel is limited to male citizens of Ukraine from 18 to 60 years old. Therefore, for 17-year-olds, these restrictions do not apply to crossing the border. As a conclusion, boys over 17 years of age are allowed to cross the border.

Travel abroad at 17 years old without parents: what documents are needed

According to the expert, 17-year-old Ukrainians do not need permission from their parents, because after reaching the age of 16, the Civil Code of Ukraine provides for the right to free independent travel outside the country.

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The State Border Service of Ukraine carries out the passage of citizens in accordance with the rules for crossing the state border, approved by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers.

To cross the border you need to have a passport with you.

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