Home ยป Tracking system infected with coronavirus Muscovites will be outsourced

Tracking system infected with coronavirus Muscovites will be outsourced

by alex

The Moscow City Hall decided to outsource the service of the Social Monitoring system, which tracks the location of residents of the capital infected with coronavirus. Writes about this “Kommersant”.

The Moscow Department of Information Technologies announced a tender for technical support and support until the end of 2022 “GIS for electronic monitoring of a citizen's location in a certain geolocation in order to monitor compliance with the self-isolation (isolation) regime”. The cost of the tender is set at 15.4 million rubles, its results will be announced on July 27.

The winner of the competition will have to be responsible for the availability and performance of Social Monitoring, as well as for the modernization and improvement of the system and the elimination of failures. At the same time, under the contract, the contractor will not have access to personal data of Muscovites.

The department stressed that the conclusion of the contract will ensure even more stable operation of the system and technical support for users. At the same time, experts note that the likelihood of data leakage is always there, but “it is through the contractor it is unlikely.”

Earlier, the Social Monitoring service won the bronze medal at the prestigious Edison Awards, which is tacitly considered an Oscar for innovative inventions. According to the Moscow Mayor's Office, the service was ranked third in the Accessibility and Transparency subcategory. The first place was taken by the project from the USA, the second – from Saudi Arabia.

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