Home » Traces of water found in Mars soil collected by Perseverance

Traces of water found in Mars soil collected by Perseverance

by alex

Traces of water found in Mars soil collected by Perseverance

The Martian rocks collected by the Perseverance rover have been in contact with water for a long time. The discovery has encouraged scientists hoping to find signs of ancient life on the Red Planet, according to Phys.org.

“Our first rocks appear to indicate a potentially habitable resilient environment,” said mission scientist Ken Farley.

The Perseverance rover collected two samples of Martian rock from the bottom of Jezero Crater. It is believed that a large body of water was located there several billion years ago. Fragments several centimeters long are stored in sealed tubes inside the apparatus. Later they are planned to be transferred to Earth for research.

Scientists can get basic data on the composition of rocks right now. Thus, the collected samples are composed of basalt and are probably part of lava flows. Volcanic rocks contain crystalline minerals that are suitable for radiometric dating. This analysis can help reconstruct the geological history of the crater.

The study also showed that the rocks “show signs of stable interaction with groundwater.” They contained salt particles. Scientists suggested that in ancient times, water with minerals dissolved in it could penetrate into the pores of the surrounding rock. Since then, the water has evaporated, and the salts have been preserved for billions of years.

The study indicated that water was not on Mars for a short period of time, but for a long time. It could be enough for the development of microbial life.

Previously, scientists drew attention to the “blueberry” stones on Mars. They can also contain water.

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