Home » Tourists have defaced one of the most beautiful places on the planet: the reason was a well-known sign

Tourists have defaced one of the most beautiful places on the planet: the reason was a well-known sign

by alex

Tons of coins and other metal objects were found in the Morning Glory geothermal pool in Yellowstone National Park in the USA.

Everyone knows that if you want to return to a place you like, throw a coin into the fountain. But what if there is no fountain? For decades, visitors to Yellowstone National Park in the United States have answered this question in one way – by throwing their coins into the legendary Morning Glory geothermal pool.

What the seemingly innocent omen led to, The Independent reports.

National Park employees sounded the alarm because the water in the geothermal pool, which for many years amazed tourists with its bright blue color, turned yellow-green.

Park representatives said that large-scale pollution of the natural reservoir was caused by tourists who for years threw not only coins into the pool, but also various trash.

“We found tons, possibly thousands of tons of coins. The main road in the park runs past the pool, so some metal parts, similar to car parts, were also thrown to the bottom of the reservoir,”
– said a local gamekeeper.

Ecologists note that the water in natural pools such as Morning Glory is usually bright blue. But when a layer of coins at the bottom of the pool in Yellowstone Park blocked the channels of thermal springs, the water in it became colder and changed color to yellow-green.

Experts have not yet decided how to restore the disfigured geothermal pool Morning Glory. They will probably try to clean the bottom, but it is difficult to estimate the scope of work and it is completely unclear whether such actions will help.

Recall that in California, a national park was closed to tourists due to mass bee stings. A huge number of bees flocked to the Joshua Tree National Park due to the heat and lack of water.

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