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To dispel the myths about computers

by alex

Experts Roskoshestvo disproved popular myths about personal computers. A study published on the website of the organization.

One of the common misconceptions is the myth that hard disk and the CPU starts to run slower. According to experts, a certain relationship between the slow components of the computer and duration of operation were found. In most cases, disks and processors does not hamper due to “Ustawienia” and because of physical damage. Often problems with the performance of the components associated with the operating system.

In Roskoshestvo noted that many PC users believe that the presence of a large number of files slows down the system performance. The experts dispelled this myth, stressing that the speed of modern disks is not related to their workload. Exceptions are cases when the hard drive with the operating system is loaded more than 90 percent. In this situation, the OS may not be enough space for operational work.

Another misconception users also called belief that computer manufacturers release updates especially that slow old devices. Experts stressed that after the actual update computer can really slow down. According to the organization, there’s conspiracy: sometimes the device actually may have a poor performance, not compatible with a modern OS.

The last myth which has been disproved by specialists of the organization, was the assertion that if the computer is not shut down, it will work faster. “If you leave the device on long enough, the memory becomes clogged with residual processes,” — said the expert. In the study, the organization said that for optimum performance of the computer reboot it at least twice a week.

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