Home » To dispel the myth about charging smartphones

To dispel the myth about charging smartphones

by alex

Charge your smartphone up to 100 percent may reduce the service life of the device. About the Agency “Prime” the expert said platform NAFI “Digital citizen” Vladimir Gritsenko.

Gritsenko dispelled the myth that smartphones are useful to fully charge to 100 percent and reducing the charge to zero percent. According to him, in this case a significant loss of battery capacity will occur within 300-500 cycles. “Manufacturers primarily suggest to avoid deep discharge and less likely to keep the device charged at 100”, — said the expert. A similar rule applies to smartphones and tablets with laptops.

Optimal use of the device is to work in the range of from 80 to 40 percent battery. Long gadget in a fully discharged condition may damage the battery of your device. In this regard, manufacturers are advised to keep their gadgets charged 50-70 percent battery.

Gritsenko noticed that when charging the gadget is not necessary to load its data intensive applications and tasks, as this device will heat up. It is recommended not to charge your smartphone at too low and too high temperatures and do not discharge it below 20%.

Previously, experts have advised to put the smartphone face down. In this case, the display device will be less warm and the camera is scratched. Experts said that the screen of the device usually has a protective glass, while the camera lenses of the device are not protected.

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