Home » Tincture of poisonous root began to be used in Kyrgyzstan for coronavirus

Tincture of poisonous root began to be used in Kyrgyzstan for coronavirus

by alex

Tincture of poisonous root began to be used in Kyrgyzstan for coronavirus

Kyrgyz doctors have found a way to treat COVID-19 in the initial stages with a poisonous Issyk-Kul root, or Dzungarian aconite, said Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov.

On his Facebook page, he wrote that this method helps to recover in a day or two.

Japarov also posted a video showing how people pour a transparent substance into bottles on which labels with the inscription “Issyk-Kul root” are glued.

The head of the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan, Alymkadyr Beishenaliev, also confirmed the benefits of aconite in the treatment of coronavirus. He said that he himself prepares a healing solution. “You need to drink hot, in two or three days the positive PCR test disappears and the person immediately feels better,” the minister shared with the 24.kg portal, explaining that the solution is an expectorant and also lowers blood sugar.

Issyk-Kul root or Dzungarian aconite is a herbaceous plant from the wrestler clan. It is considered extremely poisonous. The plant is used in folk medicine for a number of peoples. According to experts, its effect on the body can be very dangerous, so they should be handled very carefully and in no case should they be taken on their own, RIA Novosti reports.

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