Home ยป Three women set world fishing records

Three women set world fishing records

by alex

The names of the fishermen who caught the largest fish in the world and set world records are named

Photo: @meredithmccord

The International Sport Fishing Association (IGFA) announced new world fishing records, registered in December. The names of the fishermen who caught the largest fish in the world are named on the organization's website.

American fisherman Justin Quintal managed to catch a record mikteroperk weighing 10.52 kilograms. He suspected he had set a world record, so he spent two hours getting to the nearest IGFA office and weighing his catch.

Claire Sebald, who was fishing in Alaska, caught an 82-centimeter coho salmon weighing 6.12 kilograms. Meredith McCord fished 12.95 kilograms of high-bodied lachedra off the coast of Florida. Canadian Kiana Mercredi in Manitoba came across a huge channel catfish weighing 8.53 kilograms. All three of them were recognized as world record holders for fishing of the respective species among women.

12-year-old Nicholas Fano caught a large carax weighing 26.54 kilograms in Florida. It took him about 30 minutes to get the fish out of the water. The boy was awarded world records in two classes at once: among juniors and among men.

In November, IGFA announced that Russian angler Ilya Shcherbovich had set a world record for fishing for Arctic char. A fish weighing 11.67 kilograms came across to him while fishing in Taimyr at the end of July 2021.

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