Home » Three out of four Americans have an unfavorable view of Putin – The Economist

Three out of four Americans have an unfavorable view of Putin – The Economist

by alex

The United States conducted an investigation about the war in Ukraine / GettyImages and Collage 24 Channel

A survey was conducted among US citizens. Some questions also related to a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine.

The majority of Americans surveyed have a negative view of Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the same time, questions of opinion coincide even among Republicans and Democrats.

A certain percentage favor reducing aid

64% of Democrats have a positive view of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. Among Republicans, 39% view him favorably, 36% unfavorably.

In the context of the war, US citizens mostly sympathize with Ukraine rather than Russia: 64% versus 4%. Only 18% say most or all Russian attacks were aimed at military rather than civilian targets.

At the same time, 28% of Americans believe that the United States should reduce military assistance to Ukraine. 27% support maintaining the current level of aid, while another 25% support increasing military aid.

No one wins the war

The Americans also asked about who is winning the war now. Opinions on this matter are divided: 17% believe that Russia is winning now, 20% believe that Ukraine is winning. 37% of respondents are sure that no one wins.

72% of Americans are in favor of a ceasefire, 9% are against

Why is the issue of assistance to Ukraine extremely delayed in the United States?

  • The United States has not yet approved aid for Ukraine for 2024. But the same situation is not only with us, but also with other US partners. Political scientist Oleg Sahakyan told Channel 24 about this, noting that the problem is not in Ukraine. Along with our state, there are also Israel, Taiwan, Armenia and other states waiting for help. But this process is dragging on.
  • The main reason for this is isolationism in the United States. These ideas are professed not only by Trumpists, but also by some other groups. From time to time, both Ukraine and other partners of the United States will feel this negative context. After all, the issue of aid has become a domestic political card in the US election process.
  • Strategically, there is support for Ukraine among the American authorities. But now there is a certain amount of politicking and attempts to formulate the necessary agenda and update messages before the elections. They lead to such situations.

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