Home » Three hotspots: A property investment is now worthwhile

Three hotspots: A property investment is now worthwhile

by alex

As a result of the expansion of the subway in Vienna, prices will also rise in the long term. Real estate experts explain where hotspots arise

Vienna is growing. This not only affects the number of inhabitants, which, according to forecasts by the City of Vienna, will break the two million mark for the first time in 2027, but also the public transport network. The expansion of the U2 line and the new construction of the U5 are already in full swing. The first station – Frankhplatz in Alsergrund – is to be opened and used as early as 2025.

Not only residents of the 17th district (terminus U5 Elterleinplatz) and office workers in Favoriten (terminus U2 Wienerberg) are looking forward to this, investors and investors are also keeping an eye on the expansion of the subway. “Price developments in apartment buildings, rental and owner-occupied apartments become noticeable as soon as new underground stations open.

When people see that it works, the value of the surrounding properties increases, ”explains Richard Buxbaum from Otto Immobilien. Another price-driving factor is the location of the new transport hub. “Inside the belt the prices are already high, so no big increase is to be expected here, outside the belt it looks different.”

In order to find out where an investment is not only worthwhile but also pays off, the KURIER spoke to four real estate experts about future hotspots in Vienna.

1. Hotspot: Hernois is ois

What football fans have long known about the Vienna Sport Club has also dawned on real estate experts for some time: the 17th district is on the upswing. “In the slipstream of the 18th and 19th districts, Hernals is developing into an attractive and relatively cheap hotspot,” explains real estate expert Paul Zödi.

The outskirts offer a good mix of urbanity and green spaces with the vineyards and the adjacent Vienna Woods. “The future terminus of the U5 at Elterleinplatz will reinforce this trend.”

Three hotspots: Real estate investment is now worthwhile

The subway station at Elterleinplatz in Hernals, designed by YF Architects and Franz & Sue Architecture

And Elterleinplatz is already an interesting turnstile. After all, trams 43 and 9 lead directly to the main university and the Westbahnhof. “There is already a lot going on in this area. A large new building is currently taking place on Hernalser Hauptstrasse after it was demolished. A better connection can only have a positive effect on prices, ”says Georg Fichtinger from CBRE.

2. Hotspot: the Wienerberg

Insider tip number two is in Favoriten, also a suburb and also home to a football club – Wiener Austria. Specifically, experts have an eye on the Graetzel around the Wienerberg and thus the future terminus of the U2.

What speaks for the area is the location outside the belt. This increases the financial development potential. According to Paul Zödi, recent surveys also show that Favoriten is the most popular rental district.

Martin Müller from JP Immobilien also agrees: “The rent in the 10th district currently averages eleven euros per square meter. That will change with the new underground stations. ”This will also increase the densification in this area. Since, according to Müller, this is only possible upwards, roof extensions in B and C locations will also be profitable in the coming years.

The recreational area of the Wienerbergsee speaks for an early upgrading of this area. “In metropolises like Paris or New York, you pay exorbitantly more for specific water and park locations with a view than for apartments two streets back. This high price discrepancy does not yet exist in Vienna, ”explains Zödi.

These special micro-locations would have attractive potential for value appreciation across Vienna. “At the park or at the waterfront, higher rents can tend to be charged and the risk of vacancy is lower than in a place where only concrete can be seen.”

3. Hotspot: Matzleinsdorfer Platz

Rising prices are also becoming apparent in Vienna-Margareten around the future U2 stops Reinprechtsdorfer Straße and Matzleinsdorfer Platz. Paul Zödi: “The prices in the fifth district are still the cheapest in relation to the other districts within the belt.” Therefore, this is a popular area for investors.

Zödi himself has also invested in this area: “The subway will increase prices and the planned S-Bahn at Matzleinsdorfer Platz will heat up this micro-location again.” His tip: Not on the main street, but rather in the smaller ones Look for purchase options in side streets.

Georg Fichtinger is also certain that this “not yet exclusive corner” will benefit from the expansion of the subway. However, public transport alone will not be the major price driver, but rather the future perception of proximity to the city center. “The city is getting bigger and bigger. Locations close to the city center are thus seen more centrally. Investors at Matzleinsdorfer Platz can benefit from this in the long term. “

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