Home » Threats and folding beds instead of beds: Ukrainians complained about the conditions in the refugee center in Warsaw (photo)

Threats and folding beds instead of beds: Ukrainians complained about the conditions in the refugee center in Warsaw (photo)

by alex

In the summer, the center was checked and no violations were found, they say in the Warsaw City Hall.

In Poland, Ukrainian refugees complain about living conditions in one mass accommodation center in Warsaw. According to the Ukrainians, in addition to the terrible conditions, they also experience psychological abuse.

This is reported by The Warsaw.

According to Ukrainians, almost 300 people allegedly live in the checkpoint, for whom only one bathroom and a kitchen were equipped. Eight people allegedly live in the rooms, and large families, they say, were divided into different rooms.

Refugees say they have no beds and sleep on field cots at a minimum distance from each other. And on the walls of the bathroom, according to them, there is a fungus.

According to the rules of the refugee center, residents are provided with food, but people complain that after eating, some children “have stomach pains.” Also, they say that breakfast is served at 9 am, but many people leave for work by then.

According to Ukrainians, they do not feel safe in this center, and the staff themselves quite often communicate in an irritated manner. According to the publication, people can be sent to clean common areas (for example, a kitchen where several hundred people eat) and the area around the building, and in case of refusal they are given a warning. After receiving two warnings, the refugees face eviction.

Threats and folding beds instead of beds: Ukrainians complained about the conditions in the refugee center in Warsaw (photo)

Outsiders are not allowed into the checkpoint, even if they are close relatives. At the request of the Ukrainians, a lawyer took over the case, who turned to the Commissioner for Civil Rights of Poland with a demand to take action.

The Warsaw City Hall also commented on the situation, where they claim that the conditions in the center comply with the regulations, and there have been no complaints about improper treatment of residents before.

Also in August 2022, this center was checked and no violations were found. Now, officials add, work is underway to provide catering services.

The specified assistance center for refugees from Ukraine is located in the premises of a non-working theater, but it was converted to accommodate Ukrainians. The point is managed by the Warsaw Family Assistance Centre, which is accountable to the mayor's office.

Recall that in Poland they said that since the beginning of the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, approximately 2 million zlotys were paid to Ukrainian citizens unlawfully, so they want to return this assistance, which ZUS paid to refugees after they left Poland.

As previously reported, in Poland, a company that accommodates refugees from Ukraine was exposed in a scam with obtaining financial assistance from the state for the resettlement of Ukrainians. One of the centers in Warsaw almost doubled the real number of accepted refugees from Ukraine. It is assumed that the company could illegally receive several million zlotys.

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