Home » Threatened and called k**voy: in Warsaw there is a new scandal due to the aggression of a Polish taxi driver towards a Ukrainian woman

Threatened and called k**voy: in Warsaw there is a new scandal due to the aggression of a Polish taxi driver towards a Ukrainian woman

by alex

This is not the first time that Polish taxi drivers threaten and demand all the money from Ukrainian women. "Europe is not equal to security and law. We, Ukrainians, are already convinced of this,” they write in the comments.

In Warsaw, a new scandal due to Polish aggression taxi driver to Ukrainians. Kristina Petrochuk shared her story.

In Warsaw, a Ukrainian woman at the station used the service of a local taxi driver. The driver promised to take the girl to the hotel for 20 zlotys, but when he found out that she was from Ukraine, he demanded 300 zlotys, threatened and called her a Ukrainian bitch.

“After that he starts to get aggressive and scream at me, calling me blood and various Polish obscenities… I started saying that I would call the police…

But suddenly, I realize that I can’t open the door, I’m locked in the car! I start knocking on the window with all my might and asking passers-by for help… People see and don’t react.

At this moment he begins to drive away from the hotel and says: “Do you want the police? Now you will have the police!”.

After this I begin to have a huge panic, I’m in a foreign country, locked in a car with a scary Polish freak, all my things are locked in his possession and he’s taking me somewhere. I start to cry, I knock hard on the window, scream and ask him to let me out. To this, he shouts at me even more, calls me names and waves his arms, threatens to hit me if I don’t shut up and turns the music louder so that passersby don’t hear me,” says Christina.

Угрожал и называл к**вой: в Варшаве – новый скандал из-за агрессии польского таксиста к украинке

The girl got scared and began to assure that she would pay 300 zlotys, but transfer it to the card, because she didn’t have that much cash.

“But the taxi driver no longer agreed. He started asking for cash, which I almost didn’t have with me. He told me to give everything I had. I continued to explain that I didn’t have it. We got to hotels, stopped. The driver rudely threw me and my things out of the car,” notes Christina.

At the hotel, the Ukrainian woman called the police, but it turned out that Polish law enforcement officers do not respond to such calls. You need to go to the police station yourself, but even in this case there is no guarantee that the application will be accepted. The victim did not go to the police because she was afraid to get into a taxi again and end up in a similar situation.

In the comments under the post, Ukrainian women shared similar stories that happened to them in Poland.

“Europe is not equal security and law. We, Ukrainians, are already convinced of this”, they write in the comments.

Угрожал и называл к**вой: в Варшаве – новый скандал из-за агрессии польского таксиста к украинке

Угрожал и называл к**вой: в Варшаве – новый скандал из-за агрессии польского таксиста к украинке

And recently, the Ukrainian actress Ekaterina Tishkevich found herself in a similar story in Poland, where she the taxi driver cursed and threatened to throw him out in the middle of the road.

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