Home ยป This will mean a war between NATO and Russia: Russian representative to the UN made a loud statement

This will mean a war between NATO and Russia: Russian representative to the UN made a loud statement

by alex

The Russian diplomat rudely noted that "Western colleagues" it will not be possible to "get away with it and shift the blame to Kyiv".

If the decision to lift restrictions on the use of Western long-range weapons on Russian territory is made, this means that NATO countries are starting a direct war with Russia.

This was stated on Friday, September 13, by Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, fragments of whose speech were published by Russian propagandists.

“Such a development of the situation will fundamentally change our relations with the Western camp… In that case, we will, of course, be forced to make appropriate decisions with all the ensuing consequences for the Western aggressors,” the representative of the aggressor state threatened, hinting at the possibility of using nuclear weapons weapons

At the same time, Vasily Nebenzya, in the rude style traditional for Russian diplomacy, noted that “Western colleagues” will not be able to “get away with it and shift the blame to Kyiv.”

By the way, once again taking advantage of nuclear blackmail, the Russian representative to the UN reproached the US Department of Defense for the fact that the Pentagon allegedly ordered a modeling of the consequences of a nuclear war for the agricultural sector of Eastern Europe.

The US representative, who was given the floor after Nebenzya's speech, noted that everyone present had just heard propaganda and astonishing lies.

Recall that the day before, the president of the aggressor state, Vladimir Putin, in a comment to Russian propagandists, stated that the use of Ukrainian army of Western long-range weapons for strikes against Russia means direct participation of NATO countries in military actions. His words were repeated almost verbatim today by Vasily Nebenzya at the UN.

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