Home ยป “This sacrifice washes away all sins”: Patriarch Kirill said that those mobilized who died in Ukraine will go to heaven

“This sacrifice washes away all sins”: Patriarch Kirill said that those mobilized who died in Ukraine will go to heaven

by alex

According to Kirill, eternal life awaits Russians who died in Ukraine ahead.

Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill (Gundyaev) promised all mobilized Russians who died in Ukraine eternal life in paradise.

< p>The “spiritual political instructor” of the invaders stated this during a sermon.

Kirill called the war in Ukraine “internecine strife”.

“If a person remains true to his calling, and if he fulfills his debt and dies, then he commits a feat tantamount to a sacrifice by duty. This means that this sacrifice washes away all sins, “the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said, speaking of the newly mobilized.

life. Earlier, he called on Russian infidels to “go boldly and do your military duty.”

“So go boldly do your military duty, as the scripture says, you will be with God in his kingdom, in his glory, in his eternal life,” said Patriarch Kirill.

Earlier it was reported that the head of the UOC-MP Onufry met with the captured invaders and wished “God protect all people on the battlefield”

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