Home » “This is a very important help”: what Biden said before signing the Lend-Lease law for Ukraine

“This is a very important help”: what Biden said before signing the Lend-Lease law for Ukraine

by alex

US President Joe Biden signed the law about Lend-Lease for Ukraine. This is the second time in the history of America when the country introduces this program.

The American president called it “an extremely important aid” as Ukraine fights for democracy and pays a high price for it – its own life.

The American leader said this at a press conference on the signing of a historic document on Monday, May 9.

“Today (May 9 – ed.), together with Senator Ben Carden, Congresswoman Spars, with whom I recently spoke about her family in Ukraine. I plan to sign a law, make a law out of the bill that these people worked on (American officials – ed.). ). This is a bill that provides important assistance to Ukraine, the Ukrainian people in the struggle for democracy against this brutal war,” Biden said.

The American leader thanked the congressmen for passing this bill.

“I want to thank the congressmen, legislators, for passing this bill. This is an extremely important assistance to Ukraine. Every day Ukraine pays with its lives for what is happening.It is impossible to believe in the atrocities that are happening on the part of the Russian Federation. Of course, we support Ukraine, these steps are costly, but hiding from aggression is even more costly,” the American leader said.

The US President recalled that the Lend-Lease program was introduced during the Second World War II, when Europe needed America's help.

“The last time there was such a program was during World War II. Now is the time that Europe needs even more of our help. The idea that brought these 27 European countries together and made them a world power is important, they are our partners. I want to say that this help is there, because Ukraine is important for everyone. Putin's war wanted to once again destroy Europe, the democratic future of Ukraine,” Biden emphasized.

Recall that on May 9, US President Joe Biden signed a bill on lend-lease for Ukraine, which includes an increase in the supply of weapons and accelerate the pace of its provision to Ukraine.

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