Home » They will reach the enemy even underground: the United States now has mega-powerful bombs, –Telegraph

They will reach the enemy even underground: the United States now has mega-powerful bombs, –Telegraph

by alex

They will reach the enemy even underground: the USA has mega-powerful bombs, –Telegraph Anastasia Kolesnikova

Iran, China and North Korea are building more and more underground bunkers, and the United States is trying to nullify their efforts/Collage 24 Channel

In the event of a big war between dictatorships and democracies, Russia's friends fear an air attack from the United States. Therefore, Iran, North Korea and China are increasing the production of underground military bunkers, making them deeper. However, the media believe that the efforts of authoritarian regimes may be in vain.

After all, the United States now has bombs that can reach even deep bunkers .

Washington invented a powerful weapon

So, for the first time, a new bomb was spotted in March over the Mojave Desert in California.

Then photographer Ian Recchio took a photo of a Boeing B-1 bomber being refueled by a tanker. There was something unusual under the nose of the plane – a large bomb.

The photos taken by Recchio were noticed by aviation expert David Cenciotti. It was he who discovered that the footage showed a new, rare 5,000-pound GBU-72 munition designed to penetrate deep into the earth and destroy bunkers.

What is special about the GBU-72 bomb

Thanks to a high-tech fuse and an ultra-hard body, the satellite-guided GBU-72 has high penetrating ability. It combines the best features of two other bombs, the 4,000-pound GBU-28 and the 27,000-pound GBU-57.

The GBU-28 munition is small and light enough to be carried by U.S. Air Force Boeing F-15E fighter jets, but it penetrates less than 200 feet (61 meters) into solid ground. The GBU-57 can penetrate depths of more than 200 feet, but it is so large and heavy that only two types of U.S. Air Force combat aircraft can carry it: the B-2 stealth bomber and the future B-21 stealth bomber. The GBU-72's lethality is expected to be higher than previous models. In addition, hundreds of US military aircraft can carry this munition.

Meanwhile, US enemies continue to dig in

Potential targets for new US bombs include the underground bunker complexes where Iran hides its missile launchers, fighter squadrons and critical parts of its growing nuclear weapons production. The new underground nuclear complex is apparently more than 300 feet underground.

North Korea has also hidden parts of its own nuclear weapons complex underground. In addition, it contains huge underground bases for artillery, missiles, fighter planes and even helicopters, often dug into the slopes of the mountains. warheads, supply depots, air, ground and naval forces. There are thousands of underground facilities in the PRC, and every year Beijing is building more and more of them. a force of B-2s armed with GBU-57s may not be enough. Fighters with the GBU-28 also risk being unable to reach deeper targets. At the same time, GBU-72 on many American fighters should solve this dilemma.

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