Home ยป They will carry out secretly – a statement about the completion of mobilization in Moscow is legally worth nothing

They will carry out secretly – a statement about the completion of mobilization in Moscow is legally worth nothing

by alex

Protest moods are beginning to be feared in Russia. There are statements about the completion of mobilization. Moreover, its alleged final was announced to the residents of Moscow. But not everything is so simple.

According to analysts from the Institute for the Study of War, the completion of partial mobilization in Moscow was announced on October 17th. Corresponding statements were made by officials.

Mobilization will continue, but hidden

As Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin assured, mobilization points in Moscow were closed on October 17. The compilers of the report suggest that he emphasized this in order to minimize criticism from Muscovites. They have already begun to resent the way in which the so-called partial mobilization is carried out.

He tried to reassure the men in Moscow by declaring that the unformed subpoenas are no longer valid, that is, they have been cancelled.Consequently, those who received unprocessed invitations to the military enlistment office are not required to go through the entire mobilization procedure. Thus, he reacted to the wave of discontent associated with the active delivery of documents over the weekend. Their commissars were given out on the streets, in apartments and hostels.

But there is one “but”: the website of the Russian government clearly notes that only Putin voices the decision to cancel partial mobilization.Therefore, Sobyanin's statement has no legal force. This is just another attempt to earn points for the upcoming elections and enlist the support of local residents.

In Moscow, covert mobilization will continue

According to the compilers of the report of the Institute for the Study of War, partial mobilization in Moscow is likely , will continue. But it will take place covertly so as not to excite the local population. As a human rights activist from Russia notes, Moscovites will continue to receive subpoenas. And all because the capital has not fulfilled the mobilization quota. However, the hunt for men on the streets is likely to end.

At the same time, telegram channels report about ads posted by employees of military registration and enlistment offices in apartment buildings. It was about calls to collection points. It is interesting that the return calls appeared a few hours after Sobyanin's statement.

According to military bloggers, in Moscow they managed to form three volunteer regiments. Interestingly, earlier officials of the Russian capital objected that Volunteer units are created in the city. At the same time, the authors of the report suggest that more and more Muscovites can be forced to serve in volunteer battalions. And they will expect an even greater wave of criticism if this becomes known.

Recall that on the eve of Russia blocked the site “I want to live” . But this did not affect the number of “mobiks” who wanted to surrender. If they don't want to turn into cannon fodder, they should contact these numbers:

  • +38 066 580 34 98
  • +38 093 119 29 84 (24/7).< /li>

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