Home » They themselves banned: the UN Security Council warned Russia against buying ammunition in North Korea

They themselves banned: the UN Security Council warned Russia against buying ammunition in North Korea

by alex

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The day before it became known that Russia is buying ammunition from North Korea. The United States has already noted that the relevant trade is a violation of UN Security Council sanctions.

The aggressor country may experience an acute shortage of ammunition. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why Russia plans to buy weapons from North Korea. And this despite the fact that retaliatory actions may have unpleasant consequences for the Kremlin.

Russia will violate the resolution it signed itself

This was stated by Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States to the UN Richard Mills. Speaking at the UN Security Council, he noted that the relevant purchases are a violation of a resolution that Russia itself previously supported.

Moscow is just in the process of purchasing North Korea has millions of missiles and artillery shells to use on the battlefield in Ukraine… This would be a clear and unambiguous violation of Security Council resolutions, Mills stressed.

The resolutions were adopted back in 2006

For an introduction, let's talk about the resolutions themselves. The UN Security Council introduced them back in 2006. In total, there were 9 such resolutions. And all of them concerned containment of the military potential of the DPRK. In particular, its nuclear missile programs. For example:

  • Resolutions 1718 of 2006 and 1874 of 2009 imposed an armed embargo against Pyongyang(referring to the import and export of military goods, with the exception of small arms);
  • In 2016, it was banned to carry out any operations even with small arms.

But that's not all the restrictions. We should also recall the ban on the circulation of dual-use goods. Also, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution providing for enhanced control over the activity of North Korea itself. The restrictions also apply to financial transactions directly related to military programs, in particular, nuclear missiles.

Note that the purchase of artillery shells and missiles from North Korea was reported by American intelligence. According to the data received by the journalists, they talk about millions of ammunition that Russia can use in the future in the war against Ukraine.

The relevant information was also announced in the White House. But they immediately made a reservation there that Russia could indeed have such plans. However, there is still no confirmation of the supply of weapons from the DPRK to the aggressor country.

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