Home » They didn’t share the scanner: warehouse workers started a fight in the Moscow region (video)

They didn’t share the scanner: warehouse workers started a fight in the Moscow region (video)

by alex

Representatives of different regions and countries cannot get along on the vast territory of Russia.

Employees of the Wildberries train in Koledino (Moscow region) started a fight over a QR code scanner. A fight occurred between a Tajik and a Chechen, and as a result the latter was hospitalized.

This was reported by the telegram channel BAZA.

What is known about the incident

It is noted that there is a long-term problem of scanner shortage in the warehouse. Therefore, it is not uncommon for workers to share one device between two people, which they do not really like. Working in pairs often ends in conflict situations, as happened this time.

The heroes of the video, recorded by surveillance cameras, were natives of Chechnya and Tajikistan. Their actions and emotions indicate that the guys failed to work. The dispute over the battery in the scanner has ended:

Tajik decided to be the one to finally end the conflict. He approached a colleague from Chechnya and hit him in the face more than once. The victim lost consciousness and began to fall; he was caught by a colleague. Other workers came to the rescue, starting a massive crush.

The victim was subsequently hospitalized with head injuries and hematomas. A criminal case was opened against the attacker for intentionally causing minor bodily harm.

It is added that this is not an isolated incident at this warehouse. “Several thousand men from different regions and countries work there. The management has not yet figured out how to deal with these situations,” the message says.

Earlier it was said that employees of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the city of Lensk (Yakutia) on Friday, November 10, started a fight during the celebration of Police Day. After the massacre, the head of the police station fell into a coma.

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