Home » They defeated the prison of the occupiers and brought out the prisoners: details of the special operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate in the Kherson region

They defeated the prison of the occupiers and brought out the prisoners: details of the special operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate in the Kherson region

by alex

Participant in the special operation to free the prisoners/Frame from the video

Ukrainian special forces carried out a unique operation to free prisoners in the occupied territory. Thanks to the successful actions of the Ukrainian military, five people were released from captivity.

The secret dungeon of the Russians was located in one of the villages of the Kherson region far from the front line. The invaders kept five people there. Among them, one soldier and one high-ranking policeman. Three more are civilians, for the release of which the invaders demanded money from their relatives.

All prisoners continued with their hands tied and packages on their heads. And they were constantly tortured, including being beaten with electric current.

Andrey, who was in captivity, is a serviceman. He was wounded during the fighting on the Antonovsky bridge. But he managed to escape from the hospital a few hours before he was captured by the Russians. He was hidden for two months by patriotic Kherson residents. When he decided to get out into the unoccupied territory, he ended up at a Russian checkpoint. There they noticed the wounds on his body, and sent him to the dungeon.

As for the policeman, he does not give his name. After all, his family is still in the occupied territory. He also received offers from infidels to go over to their side. But after the refusal, he was kidnapped and tortured.

Ukrainian special forces decided to liquidate the dungeon of infidels in their rear. To do this, they imperceptibly crossed the front line. Then they performed a lightning operation. At the same time, the area around the house had a minefield, as well as stretch marks. But, having coped with this, our fighters liquidated the prison guards, after which they released the prisoners and took them to the territory controlled by Ukraine.

The military notes that the enemy was not ready for such actions of the Ukrainians. And even when the shooting started. After all, the occupiers themselves repeatedly organized shooting there, including for entertainment.

How many occupiers were liquidated in this case is not indicated. Among the trophies of the Ukrainian special forces are documents of all the Russian military who tortured Ukrainians in this prison.

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