Home » They are engaged in the ideological education of Ukrainian children: Lisyansky spoke about the methods of the Russians

They are engaged in the ideological education of Ukrainian children: Lisyansky spoke about the methods of the Russians

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc86="" class="news-annotation">Russians are literally kidnapping Ukrainian orphans from the temporarily occupied territories of Lugansk and Donetsk regions. They send them to “transit centers”, where they are ideologically brainwashed, after which they transfer the boys and girls to new families.

The co-founder of the Institute for Strategic Research and Security Pavel Lisyansky. According to him, the invaders have been preparing for a long time for the integration of the temporarily occupied territories and Ukrainians.

The so-called “transit centers” have existed since 2017. And since 2008, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they have been running a program “compatriots” to resettle the Russian-speaking population from the post-Soviet space to remote regions of Russia.

They can simply take away children living with grandparents

The occupants created “transit centers” for orphans and children whose parents were deprived of parental rights. This program is supervised by Russian State Duma deputy Anna Kuznetsova and Ombudsman Maria Lvovaya Belovaya.

According to Lisyansky, for example, in ORDLO, the occupiers have now seriously increased their control over parents. If a child lives with his grandparents, then he can really be carried away.

If the father was mobilized there, the mother is working, and the child lives with the grandparents, then the “commission” comes “infidels, takes the child and sends him to the “centers”, where he is ideologically “washed”. They are engaged in the study of Russian ideology, after which the child is sent to Russia. said Lisyansky.

Meanwhile, special courses for parents on ideological education are being held in Russia. They are focused on ensuring that people can properly raise children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Add, in the Kherson region, 12 residents of the occupied village were evacuated on foot to the territory controlled by Ukraine. Elderly people walked several kilometers and crossed the Ingulets River to reach a place where there are no infidels.

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