Home » There will be twice as many: the UK will send new M270 MLRS systems to Ukraine

There will be twice as many: the UK will send new M270 MLRS systems to Ukraine

by alex

Britain will send new M270 MLRS systems to Ukraine/Defense Express

< strong _ngcontent-sc85="">The UK has already provided our Armed Forces with 3 launchers similar to the American HIMARS systems. Now a friendly country has decided to double the number of multiple launch rocket systems.


This information was confirmed to journalists by Minister of Defense Ben Wallace. He recalled that the systems already being transferred use the same missiles as HIMARS, with a range of up to 80 kilometers.

According to him, these precision-guided weapons are already helping Ukraine to target Russian supplies ammunition and command centers.

Ukraine makes good use of weapons provided by partners

Wallace said Britain was “very pleased” with Ukraine's use of rocket launchers already provided by the West. According to him, the Ukrainian forces have shown that they are much better at distinguishing which targets to hit so that they do not quickly run out of ammunition.

The British Defense Minister noted that this is part of Ukraine's transition from using old Soviet-era weapons to modern NATO weapons.

Our continued support sends a very clear message: Britain and the international community remain opposed to this illegal war and will stand side by side in military defense assistance to Ukraine to help it defend itself against Putin's invasion,” the British minister said.

What is known about the British M270 MLRS

At the end of July, Ukrainian defenders received the first 3 long-range M270 multiple rocket launchers. They will make a good company for HIMARS on the battlefield.

MLRS can be used at any time of the day and under different weather conditions. M270 is capable of destroying firing positions, positions of cannon and rocket artillery, air defense systems, trucks, lightly armored personnel carriers, command posts, communication centers.

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