Home » There was a blackout in Ecuador: the light disappeared throughout the country

There was a blackout in Ecuador: the light disappeared throughout the country

by alex

A blackout occurred in Ecuador: light disappeared throughout the country Polina Buyanova

A blackout occurred in Ecuador on June 19/Collage 24 Channel

Ecuador experienced a nationwide power outage on Wednesday, June 19th. 17 million people were left without power.

The blackout occurred throughout the country and affected hospitals, homes and the country's main subway system.

A blackout occurred in Ecuador

Ecuadorian Energy Minister Roberto Luque said, that the outage was due to a faulty power line. According to him, the authorities are already working to resolve the situation.

There was a failure in the power line that caused a cascading blackout, so there is no electricity in the national scale, the minister explained.

Journalists reported that in the capital of Ecuador, Quito, two hospitals, including a children's medical center, lost power during the outage. Shortly after the outage began, they turned on power from generators.

Also, Quito Mayor Pabel Muñoz said that the outage was so significant that it affected the operation of the metro, despite the fact that it uses “isolated electrical system”.

I have ordered the activation of all response teams of the Municipality of Quito to unite in promoting mobility, preventing accidents at major intersections and caring for public spaces,” he said.

Ecuador has been struggling with an energy crisis for years, journalists say. Most notably, Ecuador's last president, Daniel Noboa, declared an energy emergency in April and ordered eight-hour blackouts across the country due to drought, which affected generation.

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