Home » There is more gas in the underground storage facilities of Naftogaz than the normal level – Vitrenko

There is more gas in the underground storage facilities of Naftogaz than the normal level – Vitrenko

by alex

There is enough gas in the storage facilities of Ukraine/Collage of Channel 24

Russia is trying to blackmail Europe and the world with its energy resources. However, civilized countries manage to find other ways to supply oil and gas.

The Ukrainian economy has suffered greatly from the attacks of Russian infidels. The enemy is not going to stop hostilities, so we have to prepare for the upcoming heating season and work in other areas, taking into account the circumstances provoked by the war.

There is enough gas in Ukrainian storage facilities< /h2>

According to the head of the board of NJSC Naftogaz Yuriy Vitrenko, natural gas makes up 87% of all sources for heating. Now “Neftegaz” provides a third of all revenues to the state budget of Ukraine. Vitrenko announced this on the air of the national telethon, channel 24 reports.

The company is also actively involved in the development of energy sanctions against Russia, is fighting for the exit of international companies from Russia and is a participant in discussions of plans for the upcoming restoration of Ukraine.


As for Ukraine's energy security, there is no reason to worry now.

One of the main components of Ukraine's energy security is the gas reserves in our storage facilities. We have ensured and continue to ensure sufficient levels of gas in our UGSFs. At the beginning of the year, at the beginning of a full-scale war, and now the figure is higher than the “sufficient level,” Vitrenko said.

He also added that this winter could be the most difficult in the history of Ukraine. The government and Naftogaz are working on various options to provide the country with enough gas to avoid any problems during the heating season.

Russia's war against Ukraine: the latest developments

  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to inflict very powerful blows on the Russian occupiers on Zmeiny Island. The enemy will have to recover from them for a long time – the enemy no longer has a chance to replenish supplies on the island.
  • The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine supported a bill prohibiting raising gas and heat tariffs during the war. Thus, consumers should not worry about rising prices.

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