Home » There is a planned mobilization: the military registration and enlistment offices told what the active distribution of subpoenas is connected with

There is a planned mobilization: the military registration and enlistment offices told what the active distribution of subpoenas is connected with

by alex

General mobilization continues in Ukraine, all men of military age can receive a summons. Increasingly, cases of handing subpoenas on the street are reported.

Journalists asked employees of the military registration and enlistment offices about why this happens.

Going planned mobilization, and the fact that summonses began to be distributed more actively is associated with the formation of a reserve and the desire to register as many men as possible, the article says.

It is noted that many men simply do not have recruitment centers information. At the same time, some people were soon mobilized after such updating of information and registration.

There are no new waves of mobilization

Despite the fact that now on the Internet there is another outbreak of popularity of anonymous groups, where people exchange messages about where and when they write agendas in different cities, the Armed Forces of Ukraine insist that it is inappropriate to talk about new waves.

Thus, the head of the personnel department of the headquarters of the Ground Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Roman Gorbach emphasized that mobilization began on February 24 last year and is constantly ongoing, no waves of mobilization no.

Today we need specialists, both for new types of weapons provided by partners, and for replenishing losses. First of all, personnel are mobilized in certain military specialties,” said Roman Gorbach.

According to him, in most cases, citizens today are called to the military registration and enlistment offices in order to clarify military credentials. But the decision on the mobilization of a citizen is made after the conclusion of the medical commission on fitness for military service. that personnel who have not previously completed service are called up to training centers where they are trained in certain specialties. And only then recruits arrive at military units for specific positions.

While citizenswho are mobilized with experience in military serviceand a short break in service, they can be sent immediately to combat military units.

We practically do not increase the volume of mobilization. Everything is going according to plan, so the agenda for registration does not mean mobilization. It is necessary to prepare reserves, even the village councils have been raised so that the database is ready, – employees of the military registration and enlistment offices said.

  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the country's military leadership had received an order to create a military reserve.
  • That is why the mass issuance of subpoenas and calls to come to the territorial recruitment centers (TCCs) began.
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  • Important ! For ignoring the agenda, criminal or administrative liability is provided. It all depends on what type of summons the person liable for military service received.

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