Home » There are risks: why China does not benefit from the Russia-DPRK alliance

There are risks: why China does not benefit from the Russia-DPRK alliance

by alex

There are risks: why China does not benefit from the alliance between Russia and the DPRK Victoria Grabovskaya

Vladimir Putin during the visit North Korea signed a comprehensive partnership agreement with Kim Jong-un. The document provides, in particular, for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against Russia or North Korea.

Head of the Center for Military legal research Alexander Musienko told 24 Channel that such a level of cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang could be dangerous – primarily for the West. Although China may not like it either.

The West must send a signal

North Korea has already provided enormous military support to Russia since the start of the full-scale invasion. In particular, it transferred approximately 4,800 shells of various types. Also, the DPRK continues to produce weapons for Russia at its military-industrial complex enterprises. aggression. This cannot but be alarming,” Musienko recalled.

When an alliance is formed, the parties agree on parameters, in particular, direct military assistance – sending military contingents to help a state that needs it.

The main intrigue remains whether Kim Jong will Eun send his army into slavery in Russia. However, there are a lot of risks in this situation, because this will be the crossing of the next “red lines,” he emphasized.

The West must send a certain signal to Putin and Kim Jong-un. If North Korea and Russia officially take such steps, then Emmanuel Macron's idea of ​​sending military contingents to Ukraine could become a reality.

Has leverage

“However, the most important thing is to wait for China's reaction. Probably not very much I’m happy that such strategic alliances are being formed. They reduce China’s influence on North Korea,” noted the head of the Center for Military Legal Studies.

The fact is that the DPRK has found a new one. partner, there are risks for China. The world will reproach Beijing for not only silently observing the fact that Russia is waging a war in Ukraine and not wanting to put pressure on Putin to stop it. China is also happy with the formation of a new military alliance.

“If China needs to prevent the alliance between Russia and North Korea, it has the leverage to do so. Beijing understands very well the regime and balance of power in the DPRK. If Kim Jong-un decides to cross certain “red lines,” then China will definitely find serious arguments to prevent him from doing this. there was the will for this,” summarized Alexander Musienko.

Russia and the DPRK signed an agreement: what is known

The agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership between Moscow and Pyongyang, in particular, provides for:

  • providing mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties;
  • Russia “does not exclude the possibility” of military-technical cooperation with North Korea in accordance with the concluded agreement.

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