Home » There are many questions about the accuracy of Russian missiles, – political scientist

There are many questions about the accuracy of Russian missiles, – political scientist

by alex

The accuracy of Russia's latest missile strikes raises questions/collage Channel 24

There are still enough components for missiles in Russia, and the occupiers still have the ability to produce new deadly weapons from stocks. This thesis was expressed by the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar.

Alexander Solontai, director of practical policy programs at the Institute of Political Education, agreed with this opinion. However, on Channel 24, he suggested that not all of these missiles can be accurate and equally effective.

Yes, indeed, Russia still has a resource for manufacturing missiles, but there are questions about the accuracy of this weapon,” says Solontai.

“Remember, getting into a tire shop in Lviv? Without coordinates and unnecessary details, I’ll say that we already have a dozen such “tire shops” all over Ukraine. I’ll say for sure that residential buildings, slaughterhouses and farms are not the target of a rocket. into Ukraine and hit similar targets,” the political scientist is convinced.

Attempts to intimidate Ukrainians or primitive missiles

Alexander Solontai believes that in the first weeks of war, we thought of strikes as an act of intimidation or a way to sow panic.

After two months of the active phase of the war, what kind of intimidation of Ukrainians can we talk about. It is noticeable to the naked eye that the enemy has problems with the accuracy of the missiles that he launches at our facilities,” the expert says.

According to Solontai, only enemy attacks on oil depots and various energy goals. Everything else – it seems that the enemy uses maps of the 60-80s of the last century.

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